
In this section you will find data from our quantitative research. We will look at populair keywords/hashtags on twitter and collect data on makeup video's on youtube using webscraping.

The graph above views a collection of words that are associated with the hashtag 'Koreanbeauty', we wanted to compare the popularity of the hashtags between Japan, Korea and America, but unfortunately although the amount of hashtags surrounding Korean makeup were a lot, the amount of hashtags of Japanese makeup or American makeup were almost non existent. There were a couple of reasons for that. First, using a hashtag with 'Japanese' and another word associating with beauty led us to a different categorie than we were aiming for. Second, the term 'American' with the term 'makeup' is usually not used together in a hashtag, people just use the term 'makeup', but this term does not only include American makeup.

This Pie Chart shows all the words associated with the hashtag 'Shiseido', a famous Japanese makeup and skincare brand.

And here is a graph showing the tweets and retweets of words surrounding Shiseido.

This is data we webscraped from youtube and imported in excel. We webscraped the term 'Korean makeup', 'Japanese makeup', and 'American makeup'. After webscraping the pages on youtube we combined the data of the amount of views between 2015 and 2019 of the three different search terms and put it in the graph you see below.

After that we went on google trends to collect data, using the same three search terms as we did for youtube, to see which one is the most populair and to see the development of it's popularity compared to the others.

CONCLUSION As seen in the google trend graph and the webscraping data, we can conclude that in comparison to Japan and the US, Korean makeup has risen in popularity in the last 5 years. This led to Korean trends also becoming popular in other countries, as shown in the world map data we collected on Google trends. This is in contrast to Japan, where the most searches were done in Japan itself.
It can be partly contributed to the different search engines that are frequently used in the respective countries, such as Yahoo! in Japan. (bron)